

会计硕士(MACC) -在线加速课程 is designed to enable students to compete for professional accounting positions in business and government as well as in public accounting firms. 的 degree satisfies the 150-hour requirements of the Texas State Board of Public Accountancy to sit for the Certified Public Accountant examination and permits specialization in accounting beyond that provided by the undergraduate accounting degree (Bachelor of 业务 Administration).

入学要求 & 课程




的 会计硕士(MACC) -在线加速课程 is designed to enable students to compete for professional accounting positions in business and government as well as in public accounting firms. 的 degree satisfies the 150‐hour requirements of the Texas State Board of Public Accountancy to sit for the Certified Public Accountant examination and permits specialization in accounting beyond that provided by the undergraduate accounting degree (Bachelor of 业务 Administration).

的 MACC program provides a learning environment that develops a diverse set of 技能 in students (including technical, 分析, 批判性思维, 沟通, 以及技术技能)为他们在一个充满活力的世界里的职业生涯做好准备. 的 foregoing statement reflects the desired learning outcomes from both the undergraduate and graduate programs. MACC计划大大提高了这些学习成果.

的 MACC program assumes that the student either has an undergraduate degree in accounting or has taken the foundation courses necessary to succeed in the program. It meets the needs of past graduates in accounting as well as those who may wish to retrain themselves to be accountants.



Discussion of the theoretical concepts and technical procedures underlying the preparation of external financial reports by corporations. 美国之间的差异.S. 讨论了公认会计准则和国际财务报告准则. 先决条件: ACCT 2302成绩为“C”或以上,大二成绩. 所有攻读工商管理学士学位的学生 and a 经济学文学学士 from VCoBE, must apply for and be admitted to VCoBE before they are allowed to enroll in the Advanced 业务 Core and Major coursework for their degree.
Continues the coverage of the theoretical concepts and technical procedures underlying the preparation of external financial reports by corporations. 美国之间的差异.S. 讨论了公认会计准则和国际财务报告准则. 先决条件: ACCT 3321“C”或以上,初级等级. 所有攻读工商管理学士学位的学生, 经济学文学学士, 或VCoBE材料管理和物流专业学士学位, must apply for and be admitted to VCoBE before they are allowed to enroll in the Advanced 业务 Core and Major coursework for their degree.
分析联邦所得税规则,因为他们适用于个人纳税人. 包括研究物业交易的税务影响. 先决条件: ACCT 3321“C”或以上,初级等级. 所有攻读工商管理学士学位的学生, 经济学文学学士, 或VCoBE材料管理和物流专业学士学位, must apply for and be admitted to VCoBE before they are allowed to enroll in the Advanced 业务 Core and Major coursework for their degree.
详细研究了成本会计的概念, 系统, 以及强调为管理决策提供信息的技术. 先决条件: ACCT 2302成绩为“C”或以上,成绩为初级. 所有攻读工商管理学士学位的学生, 经济学文学学士, 或VCoBE材料管理和物流专业学士学位, must apply for and be admitted to VCoBE before they are allowed to enroll in the Advanced 业务 Core and Major coursework for their degree.
分析会计信息系统在组织中的作用. 重点放在数据处理上, 组织的有效性, 和必要的控制以确保财务信息的准确性和可靠性. 先决条件: ACCT 2302成绩为“C”或以上,成绩为初级. 所有攻读工商管理学士学位的学生, 经济学文学学士, 或VCoBE材料管理和物流专业学士学位, must apply for and be admitted to VCoBE before they are allowed to enroll in the Advanced 业务 Core and Major coursework for their degree.
使学生了解审计的理论和实践, 主要是从独立审计师的角度. 法律, 道德, 以及审计人员的社会责任, 同时强调书面和口头沟通技巧的发展. Specialized information resources and their uses in decision making by auditors comprise an integral part of the course. 先决条件: ACCT 3322的“C”或更高,ACCT 3326的“C”或更高和高级地位. 所有攻读工商管理学士学位的学生, 经济学文学学士, 或VCoBE材料管理和物流专业学士学位, must apply for and be admitted to VCoBE before they are allowed to enroll in the Advanced 业务 Core and Major coursework for their degree.
An examination of financial and managerial accounting theory and concepts and their application in financial and managerial decision making. 不计入MACC学位. *学生可以选修ACCT 6301或同等的会计原理.
广泛检查技术和审计工具以及会计和控制系统. 先决条件: ACCT 3326或同等学历,最低成绩为C.
商业环境正在迅速变化, 组织正在创建和收集大量的原始和处理过的数据. Accounting and data are very connected since data serves as the foundation upon which accounting relies. 因此, accountants should develop and maintain data skill repertoire to fulfill their essential roles in organizations, 比如财务报告, 战略规划, 和决策. This course aims to help students develop and apply accounting data analytic 技能ets for various purposes to effectively fulfill those essential roles in their organizations. 在这门课程中,主要的重点将是利用会计数据. 学生培养的技能可以应用于不同的学科和行业, 使其成为他们未来努力的一套多功能和有价值的能力. Python, R或Alteryx的先验知识对于本课程的成功是不必要的. 本课程要求学生专心致志地进行阅读, 练习, 积极观看教师提供的教学内容. 先决条件 研究生站位.
伦理推理导论, 核心价值观, 以及会计和商业方面的专业问题. Decision-making within the framework of professional standards and the legal environment is also discussed. 先决条件:ACCT 3322和ACCT 4327或同等学历. *Students who have taken ACCT 4350 (or an equivalent undergraduate ethics class) must take a graduate-level accounting elective instead.
A study of the contemporary problems facing the auditing profession and the research that addresses these problems and other auditing issues. 先决条件 ACCT 4327或同等学历,最低成绩为C.
A study of the theory and practices of accounting for investments in other companies with emphasis on long-term investments and foreign transaction. 本课程涵盖企业合并(兼并), 收购, 等), 合并财务报表的会计处理方法, 外币交易, 以及国外子公司的会计核算. 先决条件 ACCT 3322或同等学历,最低成绩为C.
对管理个人所得税的联邦规则背后的推理的考查, 合作伙伴关系, 并通过对著名企业税务案例的分析和相关阅读. 先决条件: ACCT 3323或同等学历.
本课程涉及公司的联邦税收, 合作伙伴关系, 有限责任公司. 先决条件: ACCT 3323或同等学历,最低成绩为C.
本课程将介绍国际税务的基本原理, 包括对美国政府的外国来源收入征税.S. 公民和居民,以及美国的税收.S. 外国人的收入来源. 先决条件: ACCT 3323或同等学历,最低成绩为C.
An examination of contemporary accounting theories and their impact on the evolution of financial accounting and reporting requirements. 先决条件 ACCT 3322或同等学历.
深入研究与会计专业相关的商业法问题. 强调伦理和全球问题. 先决条件 BLAW 3337或同等学历,最低成绩为C.
权威税法来源研究, 税务研究方法, 研究文件和报告. 本课程包括对典型的税务问题进行研究并交流研究结果. 先决条件: ACCT 3323或同等学历,最低成绩为C.
对地产的研究, gift and income tax treatment of the accumulation and transfer of wealth through estates and by lifetime transfers. Includes a review of estate-planning tools and use of trusts and other 技术 to achieve desired goals. 先决条件: ACCT 3323或同等学历,最低成绩为C.
本课程的目的是为学生提供知识, 技能, 以及在欺诈检测中必不可少的经验, 诉讼支持, 以及业务评估和分析. 先决条件: ACCT 3321或同等学历,最低成绩为C.
原理介绍, 技术, 以及内部审计标准, 强调内部审计在风险管理中的保证和增值作用, 内部控制, 以及治理过程. 先决条件: ACCT 4327或同等学历,最低成绩为C.
的 objective of this course is to introduce students to the analysis and interpretation of financial statements and related disclosures for forecasting and valuation purposes. 重点是评估财务信息和其他披露的质量. ACCT 6375和ACCT 6320不能同时计入MACC学位. 先决条件 进入MACC项目.
本课程提供学生对环境的全面探索, 社会, 和治理(ESG)报告通过深入研究公司的角度, 投资者, 利益相关者, 标准制定者. We will navigate the ever-evolving landscape of ESG reporting and cover the latest legislative changes and reporting standards. 我们还将探讨国际环境下的ESG报告, 剖析了美国各地的ESG报告趋势, 欧盟, 以及全球舞台, 从而促进比较分析. 学生将追踪企业内部可持续发展报告的演变. 该课程将使学生对属性形成自己独特的见解, 影响, 以及ESG报告的实际考虑. 先决条件 研究生站位.
完成ACCT 6350后, ACCT 6351, ACCT 6381, 可能想要学习信息系统的学生 & Controls (ISC) portion of the Certified Public Accountant (CPA) exam may work with the Graduate Program Coordinator to take the appropriate coursework. 课程作业可用于完成学习计划中的会计选修课程.







学费 & 金融援助

德州大学里奥格兰德山谷的100%在线加速研究生课程提供负担得起的学费, 符合条件的学生可以获得经济援助.




*We estimate that tuition and fees will total no more than the rates shown above; however, 价格可能会有变动.


有关研究生奖学金的更多信息,请访问我们的 奖学金 页面.


金沙中国在其财政援助计划的管理方面是一个机会均等的机构. 与此政策保持一致, 助学金不分种族地发放给学生, 信条, 性, 国家的起源, 资深地位, 宗教, 年龄或残疾. 有关资金的更多信息,请访问我们的 加速在线课程的财政援助 页面.


毕业费用: $50


请查看MACC在线学位课程的所有入学要求. 有关具体问题或更多细节,请致电1-833-887-4842联系招生专家.









入学条件. GMAT考试豁免